Best Feature-Length Film
1. No Country for Old Men
2. Zodiac
3. There Will Be Blood
4. The Darjeeling Limited
5. Grindhouse
6. Superbad
7. Michael Clayton
8. Hot Fuzz
9. Black Snake Moan
10. Ratatouille
Best Lead Performance, Male
1. Daniel Day Lewis, There Will Be Blood
2. Viggo Mortensen, Eastern Promises
3. Jake Gyllenhaal, Zodiac
4. George Clooney, Michael Clayton
5. Richard Gere, The Hoax
Best Lead Performance, Female
1. Carice van Houten, Black Book
2. Christina Ricci, Black Snake Moan
3. Rose McGowan, Grindhouse
4. Katherine Heigl, Knocked Up
5. Angelina Jolie, A Mighty Heart
Best Supporting Performance, Male
1. Javier Bardem, No Country for Old Men
2. Tommy Lee Jones, No Country for Old Men
3. Adrien Brody, The Darjeeling Limited
4. J.K. Simmons, Juno
5. Mark Ruffalo, Zodiac
Best Supporting Performance, Female
1. Cate Blanchett, I'm Not There
2. Jennifer Garner, Juno
3. Kelly McDonald, No Country for Old Men
4. Tilda Swinton, Michael Clayton
5. Michelle Pfeiffer, Hairspray
Best Direction
1. David Fincher, Zodiac
2. Coen Bros., No Country for Old Men
3. Sean Penn, Into the Wild
4. Andrew Dominik, Assassination of Jesse James
5. Paul Thomas Anderson, There Will Be Blood
Best Screenplay (original or adapted)
1. Zodiac
2. No Country for Old Men
3. Superbad
4. Michael Clayton
5. 3:10 to Yuma
Best Cinematography
1. Zodiac
2. The Darjeeling Limited
3. No Country for Old Men
4. There Will Be Blood
5. Into the Wild
Best Music (original, adapted, or compiled)
1. Into the Wild (esp. "Hard Sun," Eddie Vedder)
2. Black Snake Moan
3. Zodiac
4. The Darjeeling Limited
5. Juno
Best Cinematic Moment
1. Chigurh at the convenience store (No Country for Old Men)
2. Bill Murray chasing after the train (Darjeeling Limited)
3. Opening murder of Zodiac
4. McLovin' at the liquor store (Superbad)
5. The fake trailers of Grindhouse (Thanksgiving just may have been the funniest moment of the year)
6. Church and bar crowds switch (The Simpsons Movie)
7. Lazarus' turn at the mic (Black Snake Moan)
8. Final shootout (Hot Fuzz)
9. Final monologue (No country for Old Men)
10. I drink your milkshake! (There will be blood)
Best Cinematic Breakthrough
1. Skip Lievsay, No Country for Old Men (whose sound and sound editing puts you in a different world for the movie)
2. Josh Brolin
3. Katherine Heigl
4. Simon Pegg
5. Mark Ruffalo
Best Body of Work
1. Josh Brolin
2. J.K. Simmons
3. Jonah Hill
4. Jake Gyllenhall
5. Cate Blanchett
Best Ensemble Performance
1. Superbad
2. The Simpsons Movie
3. Knocked Up
4. Ratatouille
5. Halloween
Best new DVD Release
1. The Films of Alejandro Jodorowsky (A dream come true for any film fan who has labored in the last 20 years just to watch
one of his films)
2. Duck, You Sucker (The way it was meant to be seen, for the first time in North America)
3. Blade Runner: 4-disc collector's edition
10th Anniversary Award, Best Feature Film 1997
1. Princess Mononoke
2. L.A. Confidential
3. Boogie Nights
4. Wag the Dog
5. Starship Troopers (May hold up better, and become more popular, than any other movie released in '97)
25th Anniversary Award, Best Feature Film 1982
1. Blade Runner
2. Fitzcarraldo (Could it have been made by any other director? Impossible.)
3. Fanny and Alexander
4. E.T. (sometimes I cry just thinking about it)
5. The Thing (All the technological advances, and the special effects in "The Thing" still look better, and scarier, than
98% of what we see today)
50th Anniversary Award, Best Feature Film 1957
1. The Bridge on the River Kwai
2. Wild Strawberries
3. The Incredible Shrinking Man
4. Paths of Glory
5. 12 Angry Men