2. There Will Be Blood [Paul Thomas Anderson] (85/12)
3. Zodiac [James Vanderbilt] (57/9)
4. Michael Clayton [Tony Gilroy] (35/6)
5. Ratatouille [Brad Bird, Jim Capobianco, and Jan Pinkava] (27/4)
6. Gone Baby Gone [Ben Affleck and Aaron Stockard] (22/4)
7. Superbad [Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg] (19/4)
8. Atonement [Christopher Hampton] (18/3)
8. Away From Her [Sarah Polley] (18/3)
8. I'm Not There [Todd Haynes and Oren Moverman] (18/3)
8. The Lives of Others [Florian Henckel von Donnarsmarck] (18/3)
12. Juno [Diablo Cody] (15/3)
13. Black Book [Paul Verhoeven and Gerard Soeteman] (13/2)
13. Grindhouse [Tarantino/Rodriguez/Roth/Rendell/Wright/Zombie] (13/2)
15. Into the Wild [Sean Penn] (12/2)
15. Joshua [George Ratliff and David Gilbert] (12/2)
17. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly [Ronald Harwood] (11/2)
17. Knocked Up [Judd Apatow] (11/2)
19. The Hunting Party [Richard Shepard] (10/2)
20. The Savages [Tamara Jenkins] (9/2)
21. The Darjeeling Limited [Wes Anderson, Roman Coppola, and Jason Schwartzman] (8/2)