On Hedwig: "What do you get when you cross a physicist and a teacher of dutch and dutch literature? Apparently, you can get
a girl who keeps struggling between her scientific and her artsy side. Someone who studies physics and enjoys it, but who
occasionally skips classes to attend press screenings and writes reviews while waiting for simulations to finish running.
A girl who'll probably/hopefully have a MSc come September, but who has no idea whether she wants to continue as a scientist
or a film critic after that. She's happy that she's been able to combine the two so far, both in print and on her blog As Cool As a Fruitstand."
Best Feature-Length Film
1. No Country for Old Men (Coen bros.)
2. I'm Not There (Todd Haynes)
3. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
4. Grindhouse/ Death Proof
5. The Darjeeling Limited
6. Once
7. Zodiac
8. Atonement
9. Ratatouille
10. Eastern Promises
Best Lead Performance, Male
1. Viggo Mortensen - Eastern Promises
2. Casey Affleck - The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (and don't go telling me this is supporting)
3. Sam Riley - Control
4. George Clooney - Michael Clayton
5. Sasson Gabai - The Band's Visit
Best Lead Performance, Female
1. Nicole Kidman - Margot at the Wedding
2. Amy Adams - Enchanted
3. Keri Russell - Waitress
4. Ellen Page - Juno
5. Marina Hands - Lady Chatterley
Best Supporting Performance, Male
1. Javier Bardem - No Country for Old Men
2. Garret Dillahunt - The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
3. Kurt Russell - Grindhouse
4. Robert Downey Jr. - Zodiac
5. Marcus Carl Franklin - I'm Not There
Best Supporting Performance, Female
1. Cate Blanchett - I'm Not There
2. Kelly McDonald - No Country for Old Men
3. Charlotte Gainsbourg - I'm Not There
4. The great Allison Janney - Juno
5. Anjelica Huston - The Darjeeling Limited
Best Direction
1. Those two Coens - No Country for Old Men
2. Todd Haynes - I'm Not There
3. Wes Anderson - The Darjeeling Limited
4. David Fincher - Zodiac
5. Joe Wright - Atonement
Best Screenplay
1. No Country for Old Men
2. Atonement
3. Ratatouille
4. Zodiac
5. Juno
Best Cinematography
1. Roger Deakins - The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (which is simply gorgeous)
2. Ed Lachman - I'm Not There (perfectly adapts to all the different styles)
3. Harris Savides - Zodiac
4. Roger Deakins - No Country for Old Men (less flashy, but just as good)
5. Seamus McGarvey - Atonement (I gotta admit, that tracking shot is impressive.)
Best Music
1. Once
2. I'm Not There
3. Atonement: the typewriter sound is marvelously integrated.
4. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford: Nick Cave and Warren Ellis' score still haunts me.
5. The Darjeeling Limited: Oh, Champs-Elysées...
Best Cinematic Moment
1. No Country for Old Men- Carla Jean's last stand. "I ain't gonna call it"
2. Adrien Brody running to catch that train in the Darjeeling Limited
3. "Mr. Jones" - I'm Not There
4. The bathhouse fight - Eastern Promises
5. "Falling Slowly" - Once: falling in love has never been so tangible, and without a montage!
6. Jesse waiting in the mist for the train to come - The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
7. The end of Death Proof, with the girls kicking ass to April March's "Chick Habit"
8. Juno telling her dad and stepmom that she got knocked up.
9. 2 Days in Paris- Adam Goldberg's Jack with his girlfriend's cell phone in one hand, a French-English dictionary in the
other, getting progressively angrier
10. Ratatouille- Anton Ego's review: it's heartwarming and managed to say something true about art and artists.
Best Cinematic Breakthrough
1. Julie Delpy
2. James Marsden
3. Tony Gilroy
4. Kelly McDonald
5. Andrew Dominik
Best Body of Work
1. Roger Deakins, who is truly one of the best DP's working today, and had a great year
2. Garret Dillahunt, who was great both on the big screen (No Country, Assassination) and on HBO (John from Cincinnati)
3. Christian Bale: he's rather humorless, but this humorlessness was used to great effect both in I'm Not There and in 3:10
to Yuma
4. Tony Gilroy, who wrote the Bourne Ultimatum and wrote & directed Michael Clayton
5. Michael Cera: between Juno and Superbad, he shows you can be cool even if you're lame.
Best Ensemble Performance
1. No Country For Old Men: three great male performances, none of them quite the lead, + a great female performance.
2. I'm Not There
3. Juno
4. The Assassination of Jesse James
5. Hairspray
Best new DVD Release
1. The Sergio Leone collection
2. Breathless: Criterion Collection
3. Blade Runner Ultimate Edition
10th Anniversary Award, Best Feature Film 1997
1. L.A. Confidential
2. Jackie Brown
3. Chasing Amy
4. Gattaca
5. Boogie Nights
25th Anniversary Award, Best Feature Film 1982
1. Blade Runner
2. E.T.
3. Fast Times At Ridgemont High
Various shout-outs:
I'm Not There- Bob Dylan was revolutionary partly because he wrote lyrics that could be read as poetry. Inspired by him,
Todd Haynes has made a movie that's as much poetry as it is regular fiction. Cate Blanchett is indeed uncanny in her impression,
but I was swept along by Marcus Carl Franklin as Woody Guthrie, and by Richard Gere in the Billy the Kid segment that was
all too easily dismissed by most critics, but that was very true to Dylan's spirit. By not trying to summarize or capture
Dylan's personality or even appeal, it comes closer than any documentary or standard biopic ever could to giving a vivid impression
(if not depiction) of who/what he is.
The Assassination of Jesse James- I wish I'd gone to see this film a second time in the cinema. As it is now, I'm not
sure the film really is this beautiful, or it's just in my imagination that it's grown better and better. All I know is that
this film had a better defined texture than any other I saw last year: every time I think about it the sound, feel, even smell
of the movie come back to me right away. Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck are very good in the main roles, but the movie is defined
by the smaller parts, especially by Garret Dillahunt and by Sam Rockwell.
Grindhouse- I have to admit, I kind of prefer the stand alone, longer Death Proof. Still, I regret that Grindhouse as
a whole was never release in the Netherlands, and I was very glad I caught it when I was in the US. I've never had any kind
of real Grindhouse experience, but that doesn't mean I can't be nostalgic for it. Planet Terror was oozy pleasure, and it
puts you in exactly the right mood for Death Proof, a movie I still haven't finished thinking about.
The Darjeeling Limited- I know it's no longer hip to like Wes Anderson. Or overly hip, I'm not sure. In any case, I went
into this film waiting to be disappointed, but the movie took me by surprise with its relative shaggyness and -gasp - heart.
Anderson knows just how to use Owen Wilson's head and Adrian Brody's long limbs, and while there are some too-precious moments,
this movie has been far too easily dismissed.
Viggo in Eastern Promises- The proof that acting doesn't always need to be over-the-top to be awe-inspiring. Nicolai is
mysterious, but never opaque, and Mortensen is even better here than he was in A History of Violence.
Sasson Gabai, The Band's Visit- A truly lived in performance. His face is fascinating enough in itself, but it's the small
movements of it, the hints of the emotions that lie below, that make this powerful.
Adams, Enchanted- she made sure I didn't realize how mediocre Enchanted really was.
Bardem- I know it's the popular choice. But making an unforgettable villain ain't easy
Wright, Atonement- if only to right the Oscar snub. This movie is so determined by how it's directed that it's strange
Jason Reitman got mentioned, but he didn't.
Juno screenplay- all characters sound the same, and it's too clever by half, but it's fresh and it has a strong central
female role, something rare enough to be applauded when it happens
I'm Not There music- both the originals and the covers make sure this film is coherent despite style and actor changes.
And hey: it's Dylan. Highlights are Cat Power's cover, and "Goin' to Acapulco"
Delpy breakthrough- I already knew her as an actress, and I suspected she could write. She showed with 2 Days in Paris
that not only can she write, but she can direct, too. And she's funny!
James Marsden is funny. Really funny. Who'd have thought? Both in Hairspray and Enchanted, he mocked himself and his prettiness
and was a highlight in both movies.
Gilroy- a writer new at directing, but he's clearly been taking notes, and even has a signature touch.
Kelly MacDonald, who deserves a long and succesful career. I'd seen movies with her, but never really noticed her in particular.
I sure have noticed her now.
Andrew Dominik, who is clearly director who refuses to make compromises, and while Assassination wasn't quite as assured
as it could/should have been, I hope its lack of success won't mean he never gets to tackle another project like this again.