Best Feature-Length Film
1. There Will Be Blood
2. No Country For Old Men
3. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
4. Gone Baby Gone
5. Michael Clayton
6. The Lives of Others
7. Zodiac
8. The Darjeeling Limited
9. I’m Not There
10. Control
Best Lead Performance, Male
1. Daniel Day Lewis – There Will Be Blood
2. Sam Riley - Control
3. George Clooney – Michael Clayton
4. Casey Affleck – Gone Baby Gone
5. Tony Leung – Lust, Caution
Best Lead Performance, Female
1. Tang Wei - Lust, Caution
2. Sienna Miller - Interview
3. Juliette Binoche – Breaking and Entering
4. Ellen Page - Juno
5. Keira Knightley – Atonement
Best Supporting Performance, Male
1. Javier Bardem – No Country For Old Men
2. Tommy Lee Jones – No Country For Old Men
3. Chiwetel Ejiofor – Talk To Me
4. Josh Brolin – No Country For Old Men
5. Heath Ledger – I’m Not There
Best Supporting Performance, Female
1. Amy Ryan – Gone Baby Gone
2. Cate Blanchett – I’m Not There
3. Charlotte Gainsbourg – I’m Not There
4. Kelly Macdonald – No Country For Old Men
5. Marie-Josee Croze – The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Best Direction
1. Paul Thomas Anderson – There Will Be Blood
2. Coen Brothers – No Country
3. Julian Schnabel – Diving Bell
4. Todd Haynes – I’m Not There
5. David Fincher – Zodiac
Best Screenplay
1. There Will Be Blood
2. No Country For Old Men
3. The Lives of Others
4. Michael Clayton
5. Gone Baby Gone
Best Cinematography
1. There Will Be Blood
2. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
3. Lust, Caution
4. Zodiac
5. The Darjeeling Limited
Best Music
1. Once
2. Control
3. The Darjeeling Limited
Best Cinematic Breakthrough
1. Paul Thomas Anderson – There Will Be Blood
2. Ben Affleck – Gone Baby Gone
3. Tony Gilroy – Michael Clayton, Bourne Ultimatum
4. Sam Riley - Control
5. Lars Von Trier – The Boss of it All
Best Body of Work
1. Judd Apatow
2. James Schamus (Focus Features = Atonement, Eastern Promises + screenwriter of Lust, Caution)
3. Josh Brolin
Best Ensemble Performance
1. No Country For Old Men
2. I’m Not There
3. The Darjeeling Limited
4. Gone Baby Gone
5. Breaking and Entering
Best DVD Releases
1. The Wire (Season 4)
2. Twin Peaks (Gold Box)
3. Days of Heaven (Criterion)
10th Anniversary Award, Best Feature Film 1997
1. Happy Together
2. Gummo
3. Good Will Hunting
4. In the Company of Men
5. Boogie Nights
25th Anniversary Award, Best Feature Film 1982
1. Fast Times at Ridgemont High
2. Fitzcarraldo
3. Conan the Barbarian
4. Blade Runner
5. Officer and a Gentleman, An